Welcome to Boomer Eco Crusader

Eco-friendly living is about progress not perfection
Eco Friendly Living Everyday life12 Comments on Welcome to Boomer Eco Crusader

Welcome to Boomer Eco Crusader

You’re probably here because, like me, you’re looking for ways to live a greener, more environmentally friendly life. Whether you’re looking to reduce exposure to chemicals, eliminate waste, or just live a simpler life, I hope you’ll find something of interest.

A little about me

I’ll start by introducing myself. My name is Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.  As you most likely guessed from the blog title, I’m a boomer. I was born in the very last year of the baby boom. I am married with two young adult daughters.

Why I care about living an environmentally friendly life

Being environmentally aware isn’t a new thing for me. My family has participated in our blue box and green bin programs since they were introduced. I’ve been using reusable shopping bags and water bottles, and hanging my laundry to dry for years.

In 2011, a breast cancer diagnosis made me very conscious of the chemicals in many everyday cleaning and personal care products. Since then, I’ve been choosing chemical-free alternatives.

Fast forward to 2019, when I made a New Year’s resolution to reduce the amount of single-use plastic coming into, and out of, our house. Don’t get me wrong, we’re far from perfect. If you troll through our recycle bin on garbage day, you will find plastic. But you’ll find way less than you used to. My goal is to continue to reduce – replacing one product at a time with a plastic-free alternative.

Every small change makes a difference

I sometimes hear people say that one person can’t make a difference. I think this quote about living an environmentally friendly life says it much better than I could…

“It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can.”

Sydney Smith

I really believe that if we all do a little, it will add up to be a lot.

What to expect from my blog

In my blog posts, I share thoughts, ideas, my favourite products and the occasional home-made recipe. I hope you’ll join in the conversation. I can’t wait to hear your tips and stories.

I will mention specific stores, brands or products, but I’m not being paid to endorse them. I just like to spread the word when I find something good!

Thanks again for joining me on this journey.

Let’s keep in touch! Join my mailing list and I’ll email you when I add a new post.

Until next time!


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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

12 thoughts on “Welcome to Boomer Eco Crusader

  1. Hi
    I visited your site. I read your biography & welcome blog post. Very nice your thinks for environment. It’s a great that passianot saving about the environment. I like your experience & nice do doing works. I am so glad. Beautiful ✍️you.

  2. That’s a great initiative towards the environmental healing process. It’s a slow strategy to get underway but it will surely lead to some huge positive alterations. Thank you for sharing☺

  3. This is great Michelle! I love, love, love your approach of starting small and building up. That quote is not one I’ve seen before but it really resonates with me. I teach people to form healthy habits for a living, and forming a habit for the health of our planet is no different. Thank you!

    1. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment Clarissa. Small changes really do add up, not matter what goal you’re working towards. The same principle applies to diet, exercise, financial and other goals as well.

  4. Totally agree that a little does a lot, every effort counts! It’s great that you’re so passionate about saving the environment 🙂

    Anika | chaptersofmay.com

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