It’s April and the first quarter of 2022 is behind us. The calendar might say it’s spring, but old man winter isn’t ready to release his grip just yet. As pandemic restrictions relax, I’ve noticed a drop-off in blog activity. Nevertheless, those who are still actively blogging continue to put out amazing content. Read on for my March 2022 roundup of 5 inspiring March blog posts.
This monthly roundup is my way of saying thank you to the blogging community, and featuring some of my favourite bloggers who regularly put out funny, inspiring and informative content.
So grab your favourite hot beverage and take a few minutes to read these posts. I’m sure you’ll love them. And don’t forget to explore some of the other content from these bloggers and give them a follow.
Coming up on Boomer Eco Crusader in April
This month, I continue my Simple Living Sunday series with a look at acceptance, laughter, joy and kindness. I’ve also got some tips for an eco-friendly Easter celebration and, of course, Earth Day.
Let’s keep in touch! Join my mailing list and I’ll email you when I add a new post.
5 inspiring March blog posts
Making that list – moving beyond productivity – A Peaceful Tree
Are you a list person? This post, from a new face in the monthly roundup, introduces us to six different kinds of lists that can keep us focused and enhance our lives.
If you are list averse, here are a few ideas of things you can do with lists that can be even more useful, a set of strategies for using lists in a way that is holistic and can be supportive of what is important to you.
A Peaceful Tree – Making that list – moving beyond productivity
40 sustainable thoughts to celebrate turning the big four-oh – A Sustainably Simple Life
This post in celebration of Alison’s 40th birthday is so full of wisdom, I just had to share.
Choosing to go zero-waste is a privilege. Not everyone can make that choice due to varying circumstances, so I feel even more of a responsibility to do so.
A Sustainably Simple Life – 40 sustainable thoughts to celebrate turning the big four-oh
We need a world…poem – Jamie Ad Stories
I’m not a big fan of poetry but this one really spoke to me. Please take 5 minutes out of your day to read and ponder.
In amongst the dark negativity there are glimmers of hope. We can grab onto these and put our energies into growing and developing them until they overcome the dark.
Jamie Ad Stories – We need a world…poem
8 ways to make a difference in the world – Invisibly Me
This post was so inspirational. Why not commit to doing one of these eight things today? If we all did, the world would instantly be a better place.
But you needn’t make grand gestures or change the world in order to make a difference within it. Just touching one life by bringing a smile to someone’s face is making a difference.
Invisibly Me – 8 ways to make a difference in the world
Fika: How to improve wellbeing like a Swede – Unwanted Life
In study after study about health and wellbeing, Sweden and other Scandinavian countries come out on top. This post provides one explanation on why that might be. We all need to embrace fika.
In Sweden, fika is more than just a quick hit of caffeine. It’s an excuse to slow down and relax in the company of others, and if done right, it’s believed to improve productivity and enhance wellbeing.
Unwanted Life – Fika: How to improve wellbeing like a Swede

My most popular posts of March
In case you missed them, here are the posts I published in March that had the most views.
- Retire retirement! Plan your best years now!
- 40 things I no longer buy (and don’t really need)
- Easy ways to stay energized when working from home
Please take a few minutes to follow these talented bloggers and read their posts. I’d love to hear what you think of them below.
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Michelle, this has just appeared on my feed! Sorry for taking so long to say, I appreciate your including me in this list! You are a gem. I will have to take the time to check out the others. Happy Spring! 🌞
My pleasure, Lisa. Your comments don’t come up in my WordPress app, either. Very strange. It’s like the WordPress gods are conspiring to keep us apart.
I don’t understand! That’s not right! 🌞
Thanks for sharing, Michelle! 🙂
You’re welcome!
I love WordPress in that the usual suspects always pop up, and it’s almost like a coffeeshop where all of us hang out, where I can drop in and be sure to see a friend or two. This post is something like that. Thanks so much for highlighting these, Michelle. In fact, I think I’ve missed some of these posts of theirs too!
The coffee shop is such a great analogy for WordPress, Stuart. When I see my favourites pop up in the reader, I look forward to a good read and a chance to chat through the comments.
Thanks so much for including me in your monthly round up! I appreciate it. It made my morning and is such a lovely post you write every month :).
My pleasure! I like to spread the sunshine! 💚☀️💚
Thank you for including me in your March roundup. I hope you give Fika a try
You’re welcome. For years, I was in the bad habit of eating at my desk every day. Now I get away from my desk, even when I work from home. It makes a huge difference.
I say it all the time, but I love these round ups. They introduce me to new content and help me catch up on some regulars I may have missed. 🙂 Thank you so much for including my birthday post and for the kind words <3
Thank you so much! It was my pleasure to include your post. It had so many fabulous tips.