Welcome to Volume 19 of Clutter Tales, a series where we tell the stories of our lives through our clutter. Today’s Clutter Tale is one of mine and I hope it will entertain you. I recently discovered several pages of handwritten notes from two visits I made to a fortune teller forty years ago. Did she predict anything significant about my future or was it just cheap entertainment? Read on to find out.
Simple Living Sunday – Boost your optimism
Do you consider yourself more of an optimist or a pessimist? World events over the last couple of years have made it difficult for even the most optimistic among us not to sink into the depths of fear and despair. Today, on Simple Living Sunday, we’re looking at ways to boost our optimism and approach each day with a more positive outlook.
10 fun ways to celebrate Earth Hour
Earth Hour is tomorrow evening at 8:30 p.m. You may be a regular participant, thinking about participating in Earth Hour for the first time, or just looking for something to do on Saturday night. No matter which camp you fall into, you won’t want to miss my list of 10 things to do during Earth Hour.
18 simple ways to celebrate spring
Spring is here! I am more than ready to say good-bye to a harsh winter with an abundance of cold and snowy weather. Although the calendar says it’s spring, we’re probably still a few weeks away from consistently warm spring weather here in Ontario. Even so, just knowing the worst is behind us is enough to lift my spirits. With that in mind, today’s post has 18 simple ways to celebrate spring.
Simple Living Sunday – Increasing happiness
Today is International Day of Happiness, a day set aside globally to make people’s overall wellbeing a priority. To mark the day, this week’s Simple Living Sunday theme is happiness. Read on to learn more about this day, how experts measure happiness, and what we can do to bring a little more of it into our lives.
Do you know the 5 Rs of waste reduction?
Today is Global Recycling Day, a day to recognize and celebrate the importance of recycling in preserving our resources and securing the future of our planet. To mark the occasion, today’s post will look at the impact of recycling, and why we need to look beyond the blue box and adopt the 5 Rs of waste reduction.
40 things I no longer buy (and don’t really need)
One of the most common excuses I hear against adopting a greener lifestyle is “it’s too expensive.” That’s why I get frustrated when I see articles like Everything you need to buy to go zero waste. Living a more sustainable life doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. In many ways, it can save you money. As proof, today’s post is a roundup of 40 things I no longer buy since going green.
Simple Living Sunday – How essentialism can improve your life
Do you ever feel like your life is a treadmill? Like you’re constantly running, but you’re not really getting anywhere? Last week’s Simple Living Sunday theme was about the search for balance in our lives. This week, we follow that up with a look at essentialism and how applying its principles can improve your life.
Easy ways to stay energized when working from home
As we start to emerge from the pandemic, many employers are returning staff to the office. For a lot of people, working from home—at least part of the time—will be the new normal. If that’s the case for you, now is a good time to revisit your working habits. With that in mind, today’s post has eight easy tactics I use to stay energized when working from home.
February decluttering update – closets revisited
At the beginning of this year, I decided to go back and start the 52-Week Decluttering Challenge over from week one. Like last year, I’m keeping myself on track by sharing monthly progress updates, along with any new decluttering tips I learn along the way. With that in mind, it’s time for my February decluttering update.