Holidays & celebrations

Creative Christmas gifts for people who don’t want stuff

Ahh…the perfect Christmas gift! Does such a thing even exist? At this time of year, we’re inundated with ads claiming to have the perfect gift for everyone on our list. But what do you do for people on your list who don’t want more stuff? Today’s post has creative Christmas gift ideas for minimalists and declutterers.

Cleaning & laundry Health

Helpful tips for chemical-free cleaning

Some people love cleaning, claiming it has some sort of therapeutic effect. I am not one of those people. In fact, to say I don’t enjoy cleaning is definitely an understatement. However, since it’s a necessary evil, I’d rather not make the chore worse by exposing myself to toxic chemicals. Read on for helpful tips for chemical-free cleaning

Food & drink

Easy swaps for litterless lunches

Back-to-school is almost here, meaning it’s time to start thinking about packing lunches. I don’t know about you, but that’s a chore I always hated. In today’s post, I’ve got some tips for zero-waste lunches. Pioneer day When my daughters were in elementary school, they learned about pioneers. Pioneer day was a fun activity where […]

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