Walking is one of the easiest and best forms of exercise. There’s nothing like getting outside for a walk to lift your spirits when you’re having a bad day. Today’s post looks at some of the physical and mental health benefits of walking.
Weather permitting, I try to get outside for a walk every day for at least 20 to 30 minutes. I inherited my love of walking from my Mum. She has always been a walker. Even at age 90, people tell me they see her marching around town at a brisk pace. I’m pretty sure it’s what keeps her young.
This post was originally published in May 2020 and updated in March 2023.

Health benefits of walking
Study after study tell us about the physical and mental health benefits of walking. There are dozens of health benefits, but here are six of my favourites:
- Walking improves mood and reduces stress. Like other forms of exercise, walking releases endorphins. These feel-good neurochemicals promote an overall sense of wellbeing.
- A 2014 study by Stanford University showed that walking boosts creativity. In one of the experiments, a person walking, whether indoors or outdoors, produced twice as many creative responses as someone who was sitting down.
- Walking can also enhance your energy levels by helping you get better sleep. As little as 10 minutes of daily walking can improve the quality of your sleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Walking reduces the risk of disease. A report by Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine tells us that moderate walking for 150 minutes a week can reduce the risk of many major chronic diseases by 25 to 50 percent. And a study by the Journal of Clinical Oncology showed that a brisk walk of 20 minutes or more each day is linked to a lower risk of seven types of cancer.
- As we age, walking can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and slow down age-related memory loss.
- Going for a stroll with other people is a great way to build social connections. Another study by Stanford Medicine showed that strong social connection leads to a 50% increase in longevity. So, get a few friends together and start walking!
I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Walking is good for you! And, in addition to all these benefits, it’s fun, free and doesn’t require any special equipment other than a pair of sneakers.

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Sights and sounds from my walks
We are fortunate to have a network of walking trails throughout our city in Kitchener, Ontario. During the week, I usually get out for a lunchtime walk. It gives me renewed energy to tackle the afternoon ahead. Without a doubt though, my favourite walks are in the early morning on the weekend when there are fewer people out and things are quieter and more peaceful.
Many people wear headphones and listen to music when they walk. Although I love music, I prefer listening to the sounds of nature. There’s no better music than the birds singing in the morning.
Here are some sights and sounds from my walks through our neighbourhood trails.
Seeing local pets on my walks always makes me smile. I saw this fellow prowling around in the woods one day. He very kindly posed for a picture before scurrying away.

Usually, no matter what route I take, I pass by the pond. I always pause to look at the wildlife. I see Canada Geese and ducks pretty much every day. The pond is full of large goldfish, so I sometimes see the Great Blue Heron stalking his prey. On occasion, I catch a glimpse of turtles sunning themselves on the rocks.
This next image is a place we call Stonehenge. It’s at the top of a hill so there’s a great view of the neighbourhood. It’s a fantastic place to watch the sunset.

Feeling connected with other people
It’s a sad statement that we often don’t interact with our neighbours these days. Getting out for a walk is a great way to connect with people in your community. Everyone has a smile or a wave. And people walking their dogs are always willing to stop and chat for a minute or two.
In the early days of the pandemic, as my daughter Colleen and I were walking along the trail, we saw two colourful painted rocks with the messages “Be Strong” and “You Rock”. When we went back a day or two later, two more rocks had been added to the group. I hope whoever painted them knows how much these messages made our day.

Hoping for many more years of walking
With all the physical and mental health benefits of walking, I hope I’m able to follow in my mother’s footsteps and stay healthy and active into my 90’s.
What are your favourite sights and sounds from your walks? Tell us below.
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I just love my daily walks too and I just love the painted rocks that have popped up in people’s gardens during covid. Such a lovely reminder that people care.
Yes. It’s such a simple thing but it makes a difference.
I don’t think I’ve taken walks before. I mean I walk to places lol but just for the sake of it, never. Great tips though and I might just try it someday.
Ha ha. I am pretty sure my Mum started walking just to get to places when she was younger because she didn’t have time for leisurely walks. Give it a try. You might enjoy it. 😀
I love walking! I like how I can get in some exercise without straining my body. Sometimes I need to push myself to be active, but when I do, I don’t regret it. Thank you for sharing!
I agree. It’s one of the reasons I prefer walking over running. Running is so hard on your joints and your body. I’ll stick to walking! 🙂
Thank you for sharing these benefits! I didn’t realise how amazing walking was for you
Em x
Walking is so good for you! I love going on walks, and used to get my steps in at the mall before quarantine, aha. Thanks for sharing all of these benefits!
Nancy ♥ exquisitely.me
Thanks for reading Nancy. I think we’re all looking for new ways to get our steps in these days!
I love walking! Not even outside, but sometimes on the treadmill too. It’s a nice easy way to break a tiny sweat and just be alone with your thoughts for a while.
I agree. Treadmills are great too! We have bookable walking workstations in our office. I try to book for an hour a day when I am in the office. Now that I am working from home full-time for the foreseeable future, I walk at lunchtime instead.