Tag: Breast cancer

Health Simple Living Sunday

Simple Living Sunday – Breast Cancer Awareness Month roundup

Tomorrow is Halloween and it’s also the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month for another year. I’m wrapping up October with a Breast Cancer Awareness Month roundup of my posts from the last three years. In addition to tips on how to reduce your cancer risk, you’ll find suggestions on how best to support a loved one with cancer, ideas on what not to say and do, and more.


You need these cancer-fighting foods in your diet

“You are what you eat.” You probably heard those words in health class when you were growing up. I remember thinking it was just a scare tactic grown-ups used to get kids to eat their veggies. With age comes wisdom, and I now realize those adults were right. Today’s post in the Breast Cancer Awareness Month series looks at cancer-fighting foods to add to your diet.

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