Reduce Reuse Recycle

A year of monthly waste reduction goals

For many people, the new year is a time to set goals and make plans. Truthfully, there’s nothing magical about turning the calendar page to January 1, but it does give us an opportunity to reflect and think about the path we’re on. If you’ve set a goal to reduce waste and live a greener life, my list of 12 easy monthly waste reduction goals is a great place to start.

Food & drink Shopping

Helpful tips for sustainable and low-waste grocery shopping

Food shopping is an area where we have a big opportunity to reduce our environmental impact. Have you ever done a serious audit of the bags you bring home from the supermarket? Chances are you’ll find a lot of unnecessary single-use packaging.
Today’s post has tips for sustainable and low-waste grocery shopping. As an added bonus, some of these changes might save you a little money.

Travel & entertainment

Green travel tips to reduce your carbon footprint

With pandemic restrictions easing, you may be starting to make travel plans. While it’s exciting to discover faraway places, the environmental impact of travel is something to be concerned about. Today’s post has green travel tips to keep in mind when planning your next getaway, and a checklist of items to pack to reduce waste and lessen your impact during your trip.

Reduce Reuse Recycle

Plastic Free July Wrap-Up – 10 things I learned

To take the next step in my waste reduction journey, this year I decided to participate in the Plastic Free July Challenge. It was an eye-opening exercise – definitely a lot more difficult than I anticipated.

In this wrap-up post, I reflect on my observations and learnings from the month.

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