At this time of year, I see a lot of blog posts sharing gift guides and Christmas wish lists. Gift giving is an important part of the holiday season but, the more I seek to declutter and simplify life, the more I find there is very little on my “Want List”. On the other hand, my “Don’t Want List” is constantly growing.
Simple Living Sunday – Choosing presence over presents
Christmas is just two weeks away. How are you feeling? If you’re like many people, you may be feeling stressed about everything you still need to do, or gifts you still need to buy. This week’s Simple Living Sunday post is about shifting focus, and discovering how consciously choosing presence over presents can make our holiday celebrations more meaningful…and less stressful.
33 great ideas for sustainable stocking stuffers
Now that we’ve turned the calendar to December, Christmas shopping season is in full swing. If you love stocking stuffers, but don’t love the waste they often create, you’re in the right place. Read on for 33 great ideas for sustainable stocking stuffers that won’t fill the landfill.
Throwback Thursday – Best gift ideas for minimalists
This week on Throwback Thursday, I bring back a post I wrote in 2019, long before I started decluttering.
It originally focused on low-waste gift ideas. But these are also the best gifts for minimalists and declutterers.
Christmas is coming…but feel free to wish me happy holidays!
And just like that, we’re getting ready to welcome the final month of 2022. As holiday preparations kick into high gear, it’s only a matter of time before the annual debate over Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays begins. Read on to find out why this discussion makes me shake my head, and why I’ll love it if you wish me happy holidays.
Christmas Clutter Tale – A tree trimmed with love
Welcome to Volume 17 of Clutter Tales, a series where we tell the stories of our lives through our clutter. Blogmas is winding down for this year and I couldn’t let it go by without a Christmas Clutter Tale. Today, I’m taking a look at some of the homemade ornaments on our Christmas tree that hold a special place in my heart, although many people would dismiss them as clutter.
Seasonal favourites – Beloved Christmas jewellery
Only a few days to go now until the big day. Today, I wrap up this year’s seasonal favourites posts with a look at few of my beloved pieces of Christmas jewellery.
Say no to stress! 12 tips for a simple Christmas
Christmas has come to be synonymous with excess. Overindulgence! Overspending! Overscheduling! Sound familiar? It doesn’t have to be that way. Make this the year you say no to all the stress and focus on what matters. Today’s post has 12 tips for a simple Christmas that will bring the peace and joy back to your holiday season.
15 sure-fire ways to get on Santa’s nice list
Good morning, everyone! December is rolling along. Just 10 more sleeps until Santa and his magical reindeer leave the North Pole to make their way to your house. Today’s post is a change of pace and something a little fun. Here are 15 sure-fire ways to get on Santa’s nice list. It’s not too late. Let’s start a kindness revolution!
10 ways to enjoy a simpler, clutter-free Christmas
Christmas and clutter just seem to go hand-in-hand but it doesn’t need to be that way. In today’s post, I’ve got 10 ways you can enjoy a simpler, clutter-free Christmas. Read on to find out how you can enjoy all the festive fun with none of the stress that comes from dealing with unwanted clutter.