Simple Living Sunday – Choosing presence over presents

Journal surrounded by tulips and a cup of tea. "Choose presence over presents" written on the page
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Simple Living Sunday – Choosing presence over presents

Christmas is just two weeks away. How are you feeling? If you’re like many people, you may be feeling stressed about everything you still need to do, or gifts you still need to buy. This week’s Simple Living Sunday post is about shifting focus, and discovering how consciously choosing presence over presents can make our holiday celebrations more meaningful…and less stressful.

It’s not what’s under the Christmas tree that matters, it’s who’s around it.

“It’s not what’s under the Christmas tree that matters, it’s who’s around it.” - Unknown

    Three simple pleasures and highlights

    Continuing my practice of celebrating the simple things in life, here are three simple pleasures and highlights of the last week.

    • Last weekend, we started decorating the house for Christmas. I’m a little behind schedule with decorating this year. Christmas seems to be sneaking up on us very quickly.
    • On Wednesday, I had a wonderful lunch with a former co-worker that I haven’t seen since before the pandemic.
    • On Friday afternoon, I attended a pre-Christmas gathering with a group of work friends, hosted at the home of one of our co-workers. It was lovely to gather and enjoy some delicious food and good laughs.
    Pinterest image - Simple Living Sunday - Week 49 - Presence over presents

    This week’s simple living focus: Choose presence over presents

    One of my favourite Christmas shows is the animated cartoon of Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas. If you’re not familiar with the story, the Grinch does everything within his power to rob the residents of Whoville of their Christmas celebration. On the night before Christmas, he breaks into their houses and steals their presents, and the food for their Christmas feast.

    Despite the Grinch’s efforts, the Whos’ Christmas spirit is not dampened. Instead of tears in Whoville on Christmas morning, the Grinch is surprised at the sight and sound of the residents gathering to sing a joyful Christmas song.

    The message of the show is that Christmas isn’t about toys and treats. The Whos had figured out the value of presence over presents.

    Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.

    Dr. Seuss, How The Grinch Stole Christmas
    “Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more.” - Dr. Seuss, How The Grinch Stole Christmas

    When did Christmas get so complicated?

    When I was a child, we were always so excited to open our gifts on Christmas morning. Our presents were very simple. We’d usually get some chocolate, a tangerine, a book, and one toy that we had asked for.

    As I got older, I would be jealous when I heard what other kids got for Christmas…and Easter…and birthdays. Hearing their stories made me think we must be poor.

    Later on, as an adult, I went a little overboard with gifts for our kids—equating the number of presents under the tree with the quality of our Christmas celebrations. Between things we bought, and gifts our girls got from other family members, our house was bursting at the seams.

    Reimagining Christmas

    When I think back to my childhood Christmas celebrations, I only remember one or two of the gifts I received. The things I do remember are the delicious dinners my mum cooked, lots of homemade goodies, and visits with family and friends.

    Over the years, presents have become less important. We’ve agreed with most of our friends and family not to buy gifts for each other. Instead, we plan a get-together, or donate the money we would have spent on gifts to charity.

    I suppose it’s a combination of the wisdom of life experience, combined with two years of pandemic Christmases, but I now realize gifts are the least important part of Christmas. Given a choice between spending time with family or a pile of presents under the tree, there really is no choice.

    I’ll choose presence over presents every time.

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    To do this week

    If you’re still not convinced about the need to consider cutting back your Christmas shopping list, check out this post from Hello Brownlow where Amanda reports that $16 Billion of unwanted gifts go straight to landfill every Christmas. The article also offers excellent suggestions to make the holidays more sustainable. 

    Feeling stressed and frazzled by all the holiday preparations is a good sign that it’s time for a change. Here’s how to get started on taking the focus off of material things, and capturing the joy of the residents of Whoville.

    Choose to do things differently

    You have a choice: keep doing what you’ve always done, or be courageous and make a change.  

    To celebrate holidays differently, you need to make the decision to do so.

    Joshua Becker, Becoming Minimalist
    “To celebrate holidays differently, you need to make the decision to do so.” - Joshua Becker, Becoming Minimalist

    With Christmas just two weeks away, you may be done all your Christmas shopping for this year. In that case, it’s probably too late to change anything for this year. However, now is a good time to start thinking ahead to next year.

    I’ve been hearing a lot in recent years about an interesting trend: “Want, need, wear, read” means everyone gets something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. Does anyone really need more than that?

    Start the conversation for next year

    If you’re really serious about making a change, start having the discussion with friends and family soon. It’s a conversation no one want to initiate, yet every time I’ve suggested to anyone we stop buying presents, it has been received positively. More often than not, I hear, “I’ve been thinking the exact same thing, but didn’t want to be the one to bring it up.”

    Be courageous. Be the one to bring it up. Years from now, no one will remember who made the suggestion. Instead, they’ll remember the good times you’ve enjoyed together.

    What are your thoughts on simplifying Christmas by choosing to focus on presence over presents? Have you made similar changes with your family and friends? Tell me your thoughts below.

    Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

    13 thoughts on “Simple Living Sunday – Choosing presence over presents

    1. I feel the exact same way, I value presence over presents! I didn’t grow up celebrating Christmas… that meant no Christmas tree in the home, no holiday decorations all around the home, no special Christmas dinner with family around the table, no presents for gift exchanges… it was because we weren’t well off but also we just didn’t celebrate Christmas.. now with my own family, even though we do “celebrate Christmas” we still don’t have a Christmas tree or decorations and that’s fine for us (we usually go to family’s homes to celebrate as a bigger family).. but I always get a grief from my husband’s aunt who does it all to the nines… but I feel like people should do things that make them happy.. if it makes her happy to decorate her house from top to bottom with garlands and Christmas snowmen then she should do that… for me, if it makes no difference and I want to limit waste, why can’t I do that in my own house?

      1. I agree 100%. Everyone should be free to do what works for them. I’m kind of middle of the road when it comes to decorating for Christmas. I know people who go all out, and others who do very little. It doesn’t matter. Those external trimmings truly are just decoration, and not what Christmas is all about.

    2. We love that you mentioned The Grinch and presence is so important during the holidays. For gifts, we try to be mindful and only get people things/experience we know they would enjoy. Also, any gift we’ve ever gotten that we didn’t like, we always donate. It’s so important to try to donate any unused items and throw away less.

      1. I agree that we can donate or even regift presents that we don’t want. With my husband’s family, we always do a fun “recycled gift exchange”. It’s a great way to pass on some items that may be of use to someone else. And, if you get something you don’t want, you can donate it without feeling guilty.

    3. I feel like this represents the different approach my husband and I experience at Christmas. Neither of us are particularly stressed by it but my husband is a gift giver (his love language) and I want a lovely day spent doing nice things with him; so he is the presents and I’m the presence, haha! We’ve definitely simplified over the years which has made this holiday much more enjoyable. Great post!

      1. Ha ha. I love how you’ve merged the presents and presence in your relationship. I find my husband very difficult to buy for, so I usually go to experience gifts that we can enjoy together. Thanks, as always, for reading Molly!

    4. Excellent thoughts, Michelle. I also adore that movie and have bought The Grinch pajamas to wear for Christmas eve this year. I love simplifying especially for the holidays, takes out the stress and adds more meaning.

    5. Michelle, thank you for sharing! I agree The Grinch is one of my favourite Christmas cartoons. (I also like the live actors in the movie The Grinch, Jim Carey is awesome!). I don’t stress about Christmas anymore either, no more toys to buy for little children does relieve pressure of buying the latest toy fad. I remember the Cabbage Patch and the Furby buying frenzy as ludicrous!
      You are right, it is the people around the tree is more important than what’s under the tree. Cheers!

    I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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