Now that we’ve turned the calendar to December, Christmas shopping season is in full swing. If you love stocking stuffers, but don’t love the waste they often create, you’re in the right place. Read on for 33 great ideas for sustainable stocking stuffers that won’t fill the landfill.
Throwback Thursday – Best gift ideas for minimalists
This week on Throwback Thursday, I bring back a post I wrote in 2019, long before I started decluttering.
It originally focused on low-waste gift ideas. But these are also the best gifts for minimalists and declutterers.
Buying spices in bulk – save money and reduce waste
Spices are an excellent way to add variety and flavour to your recipes. But those individual bottles, cans and packages of spices are expensive. Did you ever stop to think about what you’re paying for? Today’s post looks at the advantages of buying spices in bulk.
8 ways to reduce the environmental impact of hair care
Are you ready to reduce the environmental impact of hair care? Whether you love your hair or hate it, chances are you have a lot of hair products in your bathroom. Hair care is an often-overlooked area where some small changes to our habits can have a positive impact on the environment—not to mention simplifying life and saving money.
Simple tips for zero-waste laundry
Are you looking for ways to reduce waste on laundry day? Over the last few years, I have made simple swaps to successfully eliminate all single-use plastic from my laundry room. Read on for easy tips for zero-waste laundry days. This post was originally published in 2019 as Zero-waste laundry – Part 1 and Zero-waste […]
Frugal living tips to simplify your life and save money
Between high interest rates and out-of-control inflation, 2022 has taken a toll on wallets and bank balances around the world. November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada, and this week is Talk Money Week in the U.K. There feels like no better time to dive into the advantages of frugality and share a roundup of frugal living tips that will simplify your life and save you money!
October 2022 roundup of outstanding blog posts
As I sit down to write my October 2022 roundup, I’m asking myself where the heck October went. It was an eventful month and now it’s time to turn our attention to preparing for Christmas. But first, it’s time to share 5 outstanding blog posts I read in October.
This month’s roundup features posts that discuss book banning, the importance of kindness, the circular economy, passion projects, and why happiness isn’t always a choice.
Your transportation choices and climate change
The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal. Today, I’m happy to continue the conversation by sharing the third post in the series. Jamie, from JamieAdStories, reminds us of the link between our transportation choices and climate change.
Throwback Thursday – Helpful tips for chemical-free cleaning
Do you ever wonder what’s in the cleaning products you use? It’s not an easy question to answer because cleaning product manufacturers aren’t required to disclose their ingredients. This week on Throwback Thursday, I bring back a post from 2019 about chemical-free cleaning.
Finding an aluminum-free deodorant that really works
There’s nothing like a cancer diagnosis to make you keenly aware of what you’re putting on and in your body. After hearing of a possible link between breast cancer and antiperspirants containing aluminum, I started to look for aluminum-free deodorant options. Today’s post is an unbiased review of several brands that I’ve found to be effective. As an added bonus, there are even a few plastic-free options.
The stinky truth – I tried several brands before I found one that worked.