The Climate Change Collective is an initiative where the blogging community unites behind a common goal. This month’s lead post comes from A Sustainably Simple Life who considers the environmental impact of food waste. It contains some statistics that should shock you.
The Sunday Spark – Feeling stressed about sleep
As I hear more about the importance of sleep to our physical and mental health, I’m feeling a little stressed about sleep. Along with sleep stress, this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark looks at the link between sleep and Alzheimer’s, California’s new food labelling law, why cats need to eat meat, and decluttering digital files.
The Sunday Spark – How long will it take me to read 1000 books?
In this week’s edition of The Sunday Spark, I discuss how long I think it will take to reach my retirement goal of reading 1000 books. Plus: the best plant-based milk for the environment, the world’s largest solar power site, why water is a precious resource, and decluttering books and magazines.
Can I crush the candy cravings for good?
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day—a day associated with love, romance…and chocolate. This year Valentine’s Day falls on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and a day of fasting and abstinence for Roman Catholics. Last year, I successfully gave up candy for Lent. What do you think? Can I crush the candy cravings and do it again?
The Sunday Spark – We Will Meet Again, a poem
In week 43 of The Sunday Spark, a poem about the loss of a faraway relative. Plus, the difference between essential oils and fragrance oils, ice cream innovation, Thriftmas, and recycled gift exchanges.
The Sunday Spark – Celebrating the awesome blogging community
In week 39 of The Sunday Spark, I share some exciting news courtesy of the amazing blogging community. Plus, a look at tree diseases, sponge cities, quinoa intolerance, and sustainable leaf disposal. Happy Sunday!
Throwback Thursday – Kitchen swaps for Plastic Free July
Throughout Plastic Free July, my Throwback Thursday posts will bring back some of my favourite tips for reducing single-use plastic and living a greener life. Originally published in 2021, today’s post has a roundup of kitchen swaps for Plastic Free July.
The Sunday Spark – Thanks for 100000 blog views
Welcome to week 15 of The Sunday Spark, a series with weekly thoughts and highlights, nuggets of learning, and a sustainable living tip for the week.
This week: celebrating 100,000 blog views, motionless wind power generation, a free sustainable living microlecture series, sustainable wine production, and shampoo bars.
The Sunday Spark – Making the best of winter travel woes
Despite what the groundhog predicted in early February, there’s no sign of an early spring here in Ontario. This week on The Sunday Spark: making the best of winter travel woes, why flying isn’t always the fastest way to travel, plastic-free chewing gum, zero-waste stain removers, and protecting yourself from fraud.
Best homemade soup recipes to warm up winter
Is there any better comfort food than a hearty bowl of homemade soup in winter? We’ve reached the end of February, but I suspect it will be several weeks before we see any real spring-like weather here in Ontario. Today’s post has five of my favourite homemade soup recipes to take the chill out of those late winter days.