Tag: Goals

Reduce Reuse Recycle

A year of monthly waste reduction goals

For many people, the new year is a time to set goals and make plans. Truthfully, there’s nothing magical about turning the calendar page to January 1, but it does give us an opportunity to reflect and think about the path we’re on. If you’ve set a goal to reduce waste and live a greener life, my list of 12 easy monthly waste reduction goals is a great place to start.

Simple Living Sunday

Simple Living Sunday – Invest in your healthy lifestyle

How much time do you invest in your health? It’s your most valuable asset, yet people often neglect it while pouring endless energy into building material wealth. Without health, though, money is useless.

Since it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it felt right to make investing in a healthy lifestyle the theme for this week’s Simple Living Sunday post. It’s a simple investment that can reap great rewards.

Everyday life

Book review – Longevity Lifestyle by Design

Is it possible to fail at retirement? Isn’t stepping away from a lifetime of work a ticket to instant happiness? For many people, it’s not so simple. Mike Drak’s latest book, Longevity Lifestyle by Design is a practical guide to creating a plan for your ideal post-career life.

Today’s post outlines what I learned from Mike’s new book, along with details on how you can get a free copy. Let’s help Mike achieve his goal of a million downloads.

Simple Living Sunday

Simple Living Sunday – Choose the right influencers for your life

Who do you allow to influence you? In our consumption-driven society, the term influencer has become synonymous with consumerism and keeping up with the Joneses Kardashians.

This week’s Simple Living Sunday post explores the rise of influencer marketing, and how you can reject it and choose the right influencers for your life.

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