Between high interest rates and out-of-control inflation, 2022 has taken a toll on wallets and bank balances around the world. November is Financial Literacy Month in Canada, and this week is Talk Money Week in the U.K. There feels like no better time to dive into the advantages of frugality and share a roundup of frugal living tips that will simplify your life and save you money!
Throwback Thursday – Helpful tips for chemical-free cleaning
Do you ever wonder what’s in the cleaning products you use? It’s not an easy question to answer because cleaning product manufacturers aren’t required to disclose their ingredients. This week on Throwback Thursday, I bring back a post from 2019 about chemical-free cleaning.
12 ways to make your wardrobe more sustainable
One of the biggest surprises on my journey towards a more sustainable life was learning about the fashion industry’s impact on our planet. Like most people, I never gave it much thought in the past as I added new clothes to my closet every season. Since learning the impact, I’ve changed my habits significantly, and it hasn’t been that difficult to do. Today I’m sharing 12 tips for a sustainable wardrobe.
Simple ideas for a green and sustainable spring
It’s April Fool’s Day. Will you be playing any pranks on your loved ones and co-workers? I thought about posting some sort of joke or silly prank but couldn’t come up with any good ideas. Instead, I’ll leave the joking for others and continue to celebrate spring. If you’re looking to adopt some new eco-friendly habits, today’s post has ten ideas for a green and sustainable spring.
40 things I no longer buy (and don’t really need)
One of the most common excuses I hear against adopting a greener lifestyle is “it’s too expensive.” That’s why I get frustrated when I see articles like Everything you need to buy to go zero waste. Living a more sustainable life doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. In many ways, it can save you money. As proof, today’s post is a roundup of 40 things I no longer buy since going green.
World Water Day – 10 ways you can use less water
March 22 is World Water Day. This day is all about valuing water and the role it plays in our lives. In today’s post, I’ll talk about the importance of this vital resource, and why we need to conserve it. Then, I’ve got 10 ways you can use less water.
March goal – Make your laundry day plastic free
March’s goal in our 2020 waste reduction challenge is to eliminate laundry supplies in plastic jugs. For me, transitioning to a zero-waste laundry routine has been one of the easiest changes I have made.
Helpful tips for chemical-free cleaning
Some people love cleaning, claiming it has some sort of therapeutic effect. I am not one of those people. In fact, to say I don’t enjoy cleaning is definitely an understatement. However, since it’s a necessary evil, I’d rather not make the chore worse by exposing myself to toxic chemicals. Read on for helpful tips for chemical-free cleaning