Tag: Less Waste

Reduce Reuse Recycle

Searching for the best eco-friendly air fresheners

Seasonal scents are such a delight to the senses. The aroma of pine at Christmas, pumpkin spice and apples in fall, and spring flowers at Easter time instantly gives the home a seasonal feel. But there are so many things not to like about many air fresheners on the market. Let me take you on a sensory adventure as we search for the best eco-friendly air freshener options.

Blogmas Money

Regifting rules – When it makes sense and how to do it right!

Ahh. The perfect gift! Is there really any such thing? We’ve all had the experience of receiving a gift that isn’t right for us. When you get a gift that’s far from perfect, you may be tempted to regift it. Today’s post will look at circumstances when regifting makes sense. And, I’ve got five simple regifting rules to make sure you don’t end up in a tricky situation.

Reduce Reuse Recycle

October 2021 Zero Waste Challenge is over! How did I do?

Have you ever taken a zero-waste challenge? From October 1-30, I participated in the 30-Day Zero Waste Challenge sponsored by Waterloo Region environmental charity Reep Green Solutions. The goal for the challenge is to fit all waste destined for landfill into a one-litre mason jar. Today’s post is an honest update on how I did and what I learned.

Beauty & style

My quest for plastic-free dental care products

Personal care products generate billions of pieces of plastic waste every year. I recently shared 21 simple bathroom swaps to help you go green. Some of these swaps were easy. Others, like plastic-free dental care, were more challenging. Today, I’m diving a little deeper into the changes I’ve made to reduce single-use plastic in my dental care routine.

Reduce Reuse Recycle

Go green with these 21 simple bathroom swaps

Are you looking for ways to reduce single-use plastic in your home? The bathroom is a great place to start. Other than the kitchen, it’s the one area of our homes where we have the greatest opportunity to reduce waste and live a greener life. Today, I’ve got 21 simple eco-friendly bathroom swaps to help you get started.


6 great reasons to love thrift shops

Are you an avid thrift shopper or do you prefer brand new goods? August 17 is Thrift Shop Day, a day set aside to encourage people to visit thrift shops in their area and to purchase second-hand items. It’s an opportunity to look at the benefits of second-hand shopping and some great reasons to love thrift shops.

Reduce Reuse Recycle

31 ways you can join the Plastic Free July movement!

Are you excited for July? I am because it’s the month when we celebrate Canada Day, my birthday and our wedding anniversary. But I’m also excited for Plastic Free July! Will you join the Plastic Free July movement with me? To help you get started, I’ve got 31 simple changes that will make a difference for our planet.

Current issues

World Ocean Day – 5 ways you can save our seas

Do you love the ocean as much as I do? June 8 is World Ocean Day – a day to raise awareness of the impact of human behaviour on the oceans. Sadly, our oceans are in crisis and it’s up to each of us to do what we can to help.

Read on for some alarming facts on the state of our oceans, and 5 simple changes you can make to help save our seas.

Beauty & style

Coconut oil – 1 simple product, 12 beauty hacks

We buy a lot of personal care and beauty products, and many of them are unnecessary. Today’s post has 12 amazing coconut oil beauty hacks to simplify your life—and save you money!

Read on to learn how a $10 jar of coconut oil replaces 12 products I used to buy and easily saves me hundreds of dollars a year.

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