Tag: simplicity

Decluttering Tips

Understanding the Diderot Effect can simplify your life

Are you familiar with the Diderot Effect? Even if you don’t have a name for it, I’m willing to bet you’ve experienced its effects on your life. Most of us have. It’s a common side effect of a consumer culture that conditions us to want new things, even when our old things are perfectly fine.

Read on to learn about the Diderot Effect, and get tips on how you can control its impact on your life.

Simple Living Sunday

Simple Living Sunday – Can quiet quitting boost productivity?

As we celebrate Labour Day in North America, a new workplace trend called quiet quitting has been making headlines. It’s all about working only the hours you’re paid for—something many productive people were doing long before this trend hit the news. What’s their secret?

This week’s Simple Living Sunday post looks at ways to boost your productivity.

Simple Living Sunday

Simple Living Sunday – On freedom and individual rights

Freedom. It’s a word that has become quite controversial of late here in Canada. In 2022, freedom has become the rallying cry of a vocal minority who feel it appropriate to deface our flag, make public threats against our prime minister, and attempt to overthrow our democratically-elected government.
Today’s Simple Living Sunday post offers a perspective on freedom and individual rights.

Simple Living Sunday

Simple Living Sunday – Choose the right influencers for your life

Who do you allow to influence you? In our consumption-driven society, the term influencer has become synonymous with consumerism and keeping up with the Joneses Kardashians.

This week’s Simple Living Sunday post explores the rise of influencer marketing, and how you can reject it and choose the right influencers for your life.

Decluttering Tips

Decluttering regret and “what if I need it” syndrome

One of the biggest barriers to decluttering for many people is what I call what-if-I-need-it syndrome. Many people worry that they’ll get rid of something and later wish they hadn’t, so they hang on to things “just in case.”

In this month’s decluttering update, I address decluttering regret and why you shouldn’t let this fear hold you back.

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