The Sunday Spark – The power of music to unite people

The Sunday Spark newspaper for August 13, 2023 on a desktop beside a notebook with "The Power of Music" written on it
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The Sunday Spark – The power of music to unite people

Have you ever bonded with someone over a shared love of music? As I sit down to write this week’s Sunday Spark, I’m still on a bit of a high from last weekend’s North American Queen Convention. That event truly was a testament to the power of music to bring people together.

Welcome to week 30 of The Sunday Spark, a series with weekly thoughts and highlights, nuggets of learning, and a sustainable living tip for the week. In addition to a reflection on the power of music, this week’s edition looks at Earth Overshoot Day, how to reduce your refrigerator’s energy use, Alberta’s moratorium on renewable energy, and cutting back your school shopping list.   

The Sunday Spark Volume 30 newspaper clipping showing headlines: The power of music to unite people, Earth Overshoot Day, Cutting your fridge’s energy use, and Smart school shopping.

The Sunday Spark – Week 30

On my mind this week: The power of music

Last weekend’s North American Queen Convention was a testament to the power of music to bring people together. People of all ages and backgrounds came together to share our love of Queen. From the 11-year-old killing it at Karaoke, to us more “seasoned” fans tearing up the dance floor and singing our hearts out, the atmosphere was electric starting with the opening newbie pledge right through to a tearful yet joyful Friends Will Be Friends on Sunday evening.

A common thread that unites us all

The summer I turned 18, I went to France to study in a summer program. Students from around the world studied French at L’Institut Touraine. At the end of a very long day on a trip to Mont-Saint-Michel, a Spanish student, who didn’t speak English, pulled out her guitar and started singing and playing John Lennon’s Imagine.

As students from across the globe joined her in song, it opened my eyes to the power of music to unite people from different backgrounds.

A force for good in the world

In addition to bringing people together, over the years music has been a force for good in the world. During the early days of the pandemic, I watched the One World: Together At Home concert. Organized by Global Citizen and curated by Lady Gaga, this amazing event brought much-needed support to our communities, health care workers and the fight against COVID-19. Supported by donations from philanthropists and corporate sponsors, this virtual concert raised hundreds of millions of dollars.

As I watched that spectacular concert with my family, I was taken back in time to July 13, 1985. Does anyone remember what they were doing on that day? I remember it well for two reasons: it was my 21st birthday, but it was also the date of Live Aid, a global music event to raise funds for famine relief in Ethiopia. It’s an event that will be forever etched into the memory of my generation. As I prepared for my birthday party that afternoon, my sister called from England. We had both been watching the Live Aid concert on TV. It was an amazing feeling to know that, although we were several thousand miles apart, we were united through the power of music.

Although held in different eras and different formats and to support very different causes, these two events had a common thread—the power of music to heal and unite our world during a crisis.

Music’s influence in my life

Large global events aside, music has had a profound impact on me. It has enriched my life, brought me joy during difficult times and sparked treasured friendships. As a singer, I have made great friends through involvement with my church choir, the former KW School of Rock community, and my current Tuesday night jam band. As a music fan, I have met, both virtually and in person, many beloved Queenies, WOTElings, and rocker parents from around the world.

Our world would be a very sad place without music! Yet, in our sports-obsessed society, music and other artistic endeavors often take a back seat.

It’s time we gave music the credit it deserves.

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Three highlights of the week

It’s important to celebrate big milestones and simple pleasures in life. Keeping the trend going, here are three highlights and simple pleasures of the week gone by:

Michelle dressed up as Brian May in the 1970s and in his 70s
My 2nd place winning costume from the Queen Convention
  • My 1970s/70s Brian May costume was good enough for 2nd place in the costume competition at the Queen Convention.
  • When we drove home from Cleveland on Monday, we waited less than 5 minutes to cross the border into Canada.
  • Finally, some fresh tomatoes from the garden. They were delicious.

Three things I learned this week

Life is all about learning. Here are three things I learned this week:

Earth Overshoot Day

August 2 was Earth Overshoot Day—the day when our global demand for resources exceeds what the Earth can generate in a year.

But all countries do not consume equally. Qatar, the worst culprit, used up its share of resources by February 10, followed by Luxembourg on February 13. The United States and Canada come in at third place on March 13, followed by Australia on March 23, and Belgium on March 26. Our friends in the UK are doing better than other English-speaking countries—it takes them until May 19 to use up their share of the Earth’s resources. Find out where your country stacks up on

Reducing your refrigerator’s energy use

When was the last time you cleaned the coils on your fridge? Vacuuming the coils on your fridge every six months can save you 35% in energy costs and make your fridge last longer. (Source: The Carbon Almanac)

Alberta puts the brakes on renewable energy projects

Alberta, Canada’s largest oil-producing province, has recently announced a moratorium on renewable energy projects, allegedly to give them time to plan for orderly development of renewable energy in the province. Meanwhile, the province’s oil and gas industry hums along with no restrictions. (Source: CBC News)

I have no words!

Sustainable living tip: cutting back your school shopping list

Now that we’re well into August, you may be thinking about back-to-school shopping. As you sit down to make your shopping list, ask yourself if there are things your kids can reuse from last year. Check out this post for 12 things you probably don’t need to buy every year. You’ll save money and cut down on waste.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on any of this week’s topics. Drop me a comment below and let me know your thoughts and ideas.

Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

20 thoughts on “The Sunday Spark – The power of music to unite people

  1. Music is such a powerful thing as it can connect us, move us, bring back memories and do a whole host of other things. It was great reading through your memories of musical moments and its significance as it make me want to go through and add some songs to my collection!

    1. Thanks Molly. You’re right—just hearing a song can transport us back to another time. If you want to listen to some less mainstream Queen songs, give “Is this the world we created?” & “Teo Torriate” a listen. They are beautiful and moving songs!

  2. Somewhat off subject but I wanted to share that I finally tried a lotion bar in sustainable packaging (I remembered your mentioning something like this!) .. love it. It is definitely easy to make the switch.

    1. Yes Adam is still singing with Queen. I love him and still think he should have won American Idol by a mile! But, his second place finish has worked out well for him in the long run.

  3. Thanks for this affirmation of the power and importance of music in (many of) our lives. The QUEEN convention sounds terrific, and I am going to see if I can pull out our fridge and vacuum the back of it later today. I am also glad (and sad) to learn about earth overshoot day. It’s a compelling reminder of how out of balance we are these days on planet earth… Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

    1. The Queen Convention was so much fun. I’m sad that this was the last one—at least of the current version. Hopefully someone will pick it up and do something else. If not, I have awesome memories of the ones I attended.

      Happy vacuuming!

  4. So beautiful, Michelle. I love the backdrop for your 21st birthday — Live Aid – wow! And the connection that you felt to your sister, so very far away in England, but also so close. Thank you for sharing. 🥰

    1. Thanks, Jamie. Yes, I was so angry when I heard about the moratorium on renewable energy projects. Yet sadly I expect nothing better from an Alberta Conservative provincial government.

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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