Tips to make working from home work for you

Work From Home Tips
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Tips to make working from home work for you

It’s hard to believe it has been almost three years since my employer instructed us all to prepare for a “one-day” work-from-home test. That one day turned into over two years and remote work is now a permanent arrangement for many of us. It’s always good to revisit our habits to make sure we’re working as productively as possible. Read on for my best tips to make working from home work for you.

This post was originally published in March 2020 and updated in January 2023.

Michelle's home office
Welcome to my home office

Adjusting to working from home full-time

Prior to the pandemic, I had been primarily working from home for about eight years. Even for a seasoned work-from-home veteran like me, shifting to full-time remote work during the pandemic disrupted my routine. A combination of high work volumes and a change in our household routine because my daughter wasn’t getting up and going to school every day, made it way too easy to sit at my desk for hours on end without taking the time to do the things that keep me sane.

One day in the early days of the pandemic, I got up and sat down at my desk at 6:30. I was talking to a co-worker at 10:30 and realized I hadn’t moved. I hadn’t done my workout, taken a shower, or even had breakfast. And…as you might imagine…I was feeling pretty stressed. I decided at that moment, I needed to make some changes and get back on track.

Tips to make working from home work for you

A few years ago, I did a presentation on telecommuting at an industry conference. In that presentation, I shared the following tips that made working from home work for me.

Pinterest image: Bright and cheerful home office

Dedicated work space

Try to carve out a dedicated work space. This is hard if you have several people working remotely in your home. You don’t necessarily need an enclosed office but, as much as possible, look for a quiet place away from distractions.

Set boundaries

When working from home, it can be really hard to set boundaries. One of the positives of the pandemic changes, was it made us all a little more understanding of background noise from pets or other family members. If you have a job where you need quiet and your kids are old enough to understand, come up with some kind of sign or signal that lets them know not to disturb you.

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Don’t be chained to your desk

Don’t be chained to your desk! This one is so important to your wellbeing and it’s one I definitely let slide in the early days of the pandemic. Make a point of taking breaks throughout the day. Get up from your desk and move around, go for a lunchtime walk or squeeze in a short workout. You’ll come back refreshed and more productive.

Stay connected

Stay connected with your co-workers. Remote work can be isolating so you need to put in a little effort to stay connected. Pick up the phone and call a co-worker instead of responding by email. Don’t be afraid to share personal updates, photos or just talk about how you’re feeling with your teammates. If you have people you’d go for lunch or coffee with at the office, book a virtual lunch or coffee chat! It takes a bit of effort, but it’s worth it.

Look after you!

Finally, look after you! It’s easy to ignore your personal wellbeing during periods of increased workloads and high stress. It can be tempting to work day and night with no breaks and not take time to eat well, sleep or get enough exercise. Doing that will just lead to burnout in a time when we all need to practice self-care to stay healthy.

So, after my March 2020 a-ha moment, I vowed to change my routine. These days, I take the time to do my workout, shower and eat breakfast before logging on and starting work. I definitely noticed a difference in my outlook and stress level.

Are you working from home? How have you adjusted? Tell us about it below.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

13 thoughts on “Tips to make working from home work for you

  1. Pingback: Strategies to overcome pandemic fatigue - Boomer Eco Crusader
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  4. Thanks for the info Michelle, I am working from home and find it too quiet!!! I am also too close to the kitchen…which allows me to snack when I want! LOL……thanks for the tips!

    1. I’d love a little quiet right now, Sandra. The last couple of weeks have been too chaotic for me at work. Yeah the snackimg can definitely be a problem. You have to be disciplined about that.

  5. I agree Michelle. I could sit for hours working on my School work, mostly because I enjoy what I’m working on! I set the timer on my phone to remind myself to stretch, eat, go for my walk to air-out my Brain. You have some great ideas too, thanks for sharing!

  6. Agree! I worked mostly from home too before this but it’s still taking a toll because after the work day ends, there’s nowhere to go! I took a vacation day yesterday to get outside and garden (move) and it was the best!!

    1. That’s great to hear Debbie. I had to cancel some planned vacation days last week but I am hoping to take an extra long Easter weekend. Now I just need to follow my own advice and stay sane until then!

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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