Who Knew? A poem for our times!

Babbling brook - Buncrana Heritage Trail, Ireland
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Who Knew? A poem for our times!

As the world struggles to find a new normal, here’s a beautiful poem written by my dear friend Pat Keachie. It sums up very nicely what is currently happening in our world and the opportunity we have to reinvent it. 

Enjoy and please share!

Who Knew – a poem for these times

by Pat Keachie

Who knew the world
would turn upside down
in the merest blink
of an eye?

And who thought we’d all be
stunned and scared
Unable to answer why
this had happened?

Who thought their lives
would forever change
and never be the same?

Would this pestilence ever
leave us
and who can we look for
to blame?


Wonder of wonders!
In spite of our grief,
and our anger,
and sorrow,
and strife

Silver linings appeared
Love stared down Fear
And we’ve found
a new meaning
to Life

Acts of Kindness
are random
no more.

For more of Pat’s poetry, check out her book Medals and Memories on Amazon.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

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