Today is World Wish Day, a day to celebrate wishes in all forms. This day was established by Make-A-Wish Foundation, a charitable organization that makes wishes come true for children with critical illnesses. As I sat down and thought about wishes, I decided this would be a good time to refresh my 24 wishes for our world and share them again.
This is an updated version of a post originally published in December 2020 by my friends at T.B.C… as part of their Christmas Collaborations series.
World Wish Day – Wishes for our world
It’s no secret that the last couple of years have been really difficult for all of us. The pandemic brought out the worst in many people. Even the most optimistic among us despairs for the state of humankind from time to time.
In a time when we need healing more than ever, here are my 24 wishes for our world for World Wish Day and every day.

24 wishes for our world
Imagine a world where we…
- Embrace diversity. Beyond simple acceptance, let’s embrace how diversity makes us all richer.
- Act charitably. Many are struggling to meet their basic needs, so let’s help if we can!
- Value wisdom. If we follow the example of our Indigenous peoples, we’ll prioritize learning from the wisdom of those who went before us.
- Seek to understand is a logical next step after wisdom. Many things don’t make sense in our world. But, if we take the time to learn just a little about important issues, we can make a difference.
- Spread love not hate. Let’s look for reasons to love others, despite our differences.
- Care for our planet. Our planet is in need of healing. We must all do what we can before it’s too late. Small changes add up!
- Listen. Instead of rushing to respond, let’s take the time to really listen to each other.
- Value opposing opinions. Why do we always need to be right and prove someone else wrong? Let’s embrace the value of diverse opinions.
- Seek simplicity. Life is complicated. Look for peace and joy in simple, everyday things.
- Demand equality. If we speak up and refuse to be bystanders, we can achieve equality for all our fellow human beings, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, social status, race, religion or ability.
- End poverty. It’s not okay that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Support politicians and companies who do their part to achieve a fair and just society for all.
- Protect the vulnerable. Be a voice for people who can’t speak for themselves.
- Look for common ground. Let’s look beyond our differences and find things we can agree on.
- Prioritize people over things. If we stop being slaves to materialism, we’ll free up space to focus on what really matters in life.
- Be authentic. Reflect on your strengths and celebrate the unique value you bring to the world.
- Show kindness. Let’s create a world where we don’t need a “Random Acts of Kindness” day to remind us to be good to our fellow human beings.
- Use time wisely. Time is the one thing none of us can get more of, nor do we know how much of it we’ll have on this planet. Make the most of every day.
- Practise gratitude. Instead of focusing on what’s missing, let’s be truly grateful for what we do have.
- Respect the value of work. During the pandemic, jobs that many in society look down on were deemed essential. Let’s show respect and appreciation for the grocery store clerk, the person serving coffee at the drive-thru and everyone doing an honest day’s work.
- Support the arts. As theatres reopen, and concert tours start up again, remember the void we felt when those things disappeared during the pandemic. We need to support artistic endeavours at all levels.
- Laugh often. Life is too serious. Make daily laughter a priority.
- Be a positive force. Like the lighthouse that warns sailors of impending danger, let’s be beacons of light in a dark world.
- Focus on being better. It’s easier to criticize others than to clean up our own lives. Let’s try to be just a little bit better every day.
- Be peacemakers. It feels fitting to wrap up the list here. When my daughter Colleen was a child, she asked for world peace in her letter to Santa. Sadly, we haven’t achieved it yet. If we do our part, maybe we can make that childhood wish come true.
Close your eyes and take a moment to imagine a world with all these things. Wouldn’t it truly be heaven on earth? Let’s start with our little corner of the world and make it happen.
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Wishing is not enough
Wishing is not enough. You may have noticed these aren’t passive wishes. Instead, they are actions. As we (hopefully) move into a post-pandemic world, let’s turn our wishes into actions and make a better world. It is possible!
Consider supporting Make-A-Wish today
In December, I participated in the HoHoHoliday 5K in support of Make-A-Wish Canada. It was a fun event for a great cause. If you are able, please consider making a child’s wish come true with a donation to Make-A-Wish Canada, or Make-A-Wish International.
What do you wish for on World Wish Day? Tell me your thoughts below.
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Very meaningful wish list Michelle. And how sad that we haven’t achieved peace yet. On the contrary, there are more and more wars all over the world. Have a peaceful Christmas!
Thanks Cristiana. Yes, it is sad that peace remains so elusive. I wish you a peaceful Christmas, too.