And just like that, it’s May. Here in southern Ontario, April mostly felt like another month of winter, with spring weather making a few fleeting guest appearances to tease us and leave us longing for more. As we hope for better weather in May, let’s heat things up with my April roundup of awesome blog posts.
World Wish Day – 24 wishes to make the world a better place
Today is World Wish Day, a day to celebrate wishes in all forms. This day was established by Make-A-Wish Foundation, a charitable organization that makes wishes come true for children with critical illnesses. As I sat down and thought about wishes, I decided this would be a good time to dust off my 24 wishes for our world and share them again.
March 2022 roundup of inspiring blog posts
It’s April and the first quarter of 2022 is behind us. The calendar might say it’s spring, but old man winter isn’t ready to release his grip just yet. As pandemic restrictions relax, I’ve noticed a drop-off in blog activity. Nevertheless, those who are still actively blogging continue to put out amazing content. Read on for my March 2022 roundup of 5 inspiring March blog posts.
Monthly roundup – 7 fabulous February blog posts
As we say good-bye to February, there’s a sense of hope and anticipation in the air! It has been a long, hard winter so I’m excited for warmer weather as spring approaches. In Ontario, we’re finally seeing the end of some pandemic restrictions, so I’m hopeful for better times ahead. Although I felt like I didn’t spend as much time reading blogs last month, I did identify 7 fabulous February blog posts to share with you.
Simple living quotes from really smart people
Simple living may be trendy these days, but it isn’t a new idea. In fact, philosophers and great thinkers have been talking about simplicity for centuries. Today, I’m turning my blog over to some of the wisdom that has been shared over the years with my favourite simple living quotes from some of the smartest people the world has ever known.
2021 blog recap – Highlights and best posts
It’s the last day of the year—and what a year it has been! This 2021 blog recap post will sum up some of the highlights of the year here on Boomer Eco Crusader. In case you missed them, I’ve got a list of the 2021 blog posts that I’m most proud of. Then I’ll wrap up the year with a sneak peek at what’s coming in 2022.
Seasonal favourites – Beloved Christmas jewellery
Only a few days to go now until the big day. Today, I wrap up this year’s seasonal favourites posts with a look at few of my beloved pieces of Christmas jewellery.
10 amazing must-see sights of London
In Decorating the tree with treasured travel memories, I told the story of a favourite tradition where we buy a Christmas ornament on every family vacation. It’s a fun way to rekindle memories of our travels every year when we decorate our Christmas tree. Today, I continue the series with a look back at some of our must-see sights of London—my all-time favourite city.
Say no to stress! 12 tips for a simple Christmas
Christmas has come to be synonymous with excess. Overindulgence! Overspending! Overscheduling! Sound familiar? It doesn’t have to be that way. Make this the year you say no to all the stress and focus on what matters. Today’s post has 12 tips for a simple Christmas that will bring the peace and joy back to your holiday season.
15 sure-fire ways to get on Santa’s nice list
Good morning, everyone! December is rolling along. Just 10 more sleeps until Santa and his magical reindeer leave the North Pole to make their way to your house. Today’s post is a change of pace and something a little fun. Here are 15 sure-fire ways to get on Santa’s nice list. It’s not too late. Let’s start a kindness revolution!