Category: Everyday life

Everyday life

Book review: Refocus on “Things That Matter”

In the first edition of The Sunday Spark for the year, I revealed intentionality as my theme for 2025. To start the year off right, I set a goal for January to reread Things That Matter – Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life by Joshua Becker. In today’s post, I review the book and share how I’m planning to use what I learned in my life.

Everyday life

Throwback Thursday – Lessons from the Indigenous worldview

As I have learned more about Indigenous traditions, I believe North American society would be better off if European settlers had adopted their simple and sustainable way of life. In a world where many people are increasingly disillusioned by our capitalistic way of life, there is much we can learn from the Indigenous worldview.

Everyday life

Roundup of ways to simplify your Christmas celebrations

One of my favourite lines in the movie Christmas Vacation is, “I don’t know what to say except it’s Christmas and we’re all in misery.” If you’re feeling a bit like Ellen Griswold as Christmas approaches, you’re in the right place! Today’s post is a roundup of ideas to help you get back to basics and simplify your Christmas celebrations.

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