Christmas has come to be synonymous with excess. Overindulgence! Overspending! Overscheduling! Sound familiar? It doesn’t have to be that way. Make this the year you say no to all the stress and focus on what matters. Today’s post has 12 tips for a simple Christmas that will bring the peace and joy back to your holiday season.
15-minute YouTube workouts to keep you fit all year round
Ahhh Christmas. Tis the season for eating, drinking and being merry. But, if you’re not careful, all that indulgence can leave you feeling a little blah.
Exercise is a great way to keep your energy up and burn some of those extra calories. To help you stay active over the Christmas season, I’m sharing 15 of my favourite 15-minute YouTube workouts. We can all find 15 minutes in our day to squeeze in some movement, right!
Winter survival strategies to get you through dark dreary November
November! Is there a worse month on the calendar for those of us in the Northern hemisphere?
People complain about the February blahs but, in my mind, the November doldrums are far worse. Unlike February, in November spring is a long way away, and the days are getting darker not lighter. Today’s post has some winter survival strategies to get you through the dark dreary days of November. Oh, and they’ll probably help for the rest of winter too!
Are you at risk for breast cancer? Here’s what you need to know!
Early in my cancer journey, my doctor told me that, unlike some other cancers, most women diagnosed with breast cancer have no known risk factors beyond being a woman. Today, I’m looking at those known breast cancer risk factors and some new emerging risks that you may not have heard of.
It’s time to end cancer cure conspiracy theories once and for all
Thanks to social media, we’re seeing an explosion of conspiracy theories these days. Let’s face it, behind the veil of freedom of speech, anyone can publish anything they want with no requirement that it be based in fact. Today, I continue my Breast Cancer Awareness Month series with a reality check on one of my pet peeves – cancer cure conspiracy theories.
12 things you should never say to someone with cancer
When a friend or family member has been diagnosed with cancer, it’s hard to know what to do or say. In Best ways to support someone with cancer, I shared ideas on how to offer your support. Today, I continue my Breast Cancer Awareness Month series with 12 things you should never say to someone diagnosed with cancer.
Breast cancer survival stats and trends – There is hope!
“It’s not a death sentence.” The day I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I clearly remember hearing the doctor say those words amid the fog of jumbled messages about surgery, chemotherapy, disability leave, and more.
Today, I continue my Breast Cancer Awareness Month series with a look at breast cancer survival stats and trends, and why we have good reason to be optimistic.
10 years, 10 lessons – What cancer taught me about life
Ten years ago today, at around 2:30 in the afternoon, I sat in the doctor’s office and heard the life-changing words no-one wants or expects to hear in their life. “You have cancer.” To celebrate my 10 year “cancerversary”, I’m sharing my reflection on what cancer taught me about life. Spoiler alert – It’s all good news!
4 toxic things to purge from your life (Guest Post)
Decluttering isn’t always about things you can physically see. Today, I’m excited to share a guest post written by Michelle from Growing with Spawn. She’s going to tell us about four toxic things you need to purge from your life today!
Reflexology and its benefits for your health
Reflexology is a natural healing art that activates through touch. I recently had the opportunity to interview Sandy Edwards, a certified Reflexologist registered with the Reflexology Registration Council of Ontario. During the interview, Sandy and I discussed the principles of reflexology and its health benefits.