Do you ever feel like your life is a treadmill? Like you’re constantly running, but you’re not really getting anywhere? Last week’s Simple Living Sunday theme was about the search for balance in our lives. This week, we follow that up with a look at essentialism and how applying its principles can improve your life.
Simple Living Sunday – Searching for a balanced life
What comes to mind when you hear the word balance? If you look it up in the dictionary, you’ll find different definitions. My favourite is from the Oxford dictionary: “a situation in which different things exist in equal, correct or good amounts.”
This week, on Simple Living Sunday, it’s time to restore equilibrium by reflecting on the elements of a balanced life, and identifying areas where we can make adjustments.
Simple Living Sunday – Small steps to improve our patience
Are you a patient person? How do you react to a long line at the supermarket checkout, or a traffic jam on your way home from work? In a world where we demand quick service and instant results, minor inconveniences quickly escalate into major stressors. We’re just not willing to wait for anything.
Today, on Simple Living Sunday, we’ll take a deep breath and look for ways to improve our patience.
Simple Living Sunday – Active listening – Stop and listen
This week’s Simple Living Sunday theme is listening—a skill that’s in short supply as the pandemic protests and debates rage on and each side accuses the other of ignoring their concerns. Today, we’ll explore why it’s so difficult to put something we’re born with the ability to do into practice. Then, I’ve got three tips to improve your active listening skills.
Simple Living Sunday – Being truly authentic
This week on Simple Living Sunday, it’s time to get real. Authenticity seems to be an increasingly rare quality in our world, with people constantly trying to impress and live up to other people’s standards. Today, we’ll look at why being truly authentic is good for your mental health, and small steps you can take to be true to yourself.
Simple Living Sunday – Beautiful things
Beauty is all around us. With so much hatred and negativity in the world these days, it’s important to remind ourselves of the positives. That’s why it felt right to make beauty the Simple Living Sunday theme for this week. Because we are surrounded by beautiful things if we only take the time to look for them.
Simple Living Sunday – Good is better than perfect
“Practice makes perfect.” Three simple words you probably heard hundreds of times growing up. It sounds like an admirable goal, but the pressure to be perfect is at the root of a lot of stress and anxiety. This week on Simple Living Sunday, I challenge you to say no to perfectionism and make “good is better than perfect” your new mantra.
Simple Living Sunday – Finding peace
Amid the chaos of life, there are people who give off a feeling of peace and calm, no matter the circumstances. Do you know someone like that? I always wonder how they manage to stay grounded in a world that rarely promotes a feeling of peace. This week’s Simple Living Sunday theme is finding peace. Let’s work on it together!
Simple Living Sunday – Your gratitude practice
Tomorrow is Blue Monday—the gloomiest day of the year according to some. With spring still a long way away, and the excitement of the holidays a distant memory, it’s easy to see why this is a difficult time for many people. It felt appropriate to make gratitude today’s Simple Living Sunday theme. Read on to learn what gratitude can do for you, and for tips on how you can establish a gratitude practice.
Simple Living Sunday – Keeping things in focus
Hello everyone and welcome to week two of Simple Living Sunday. This week’s simple living theme is focus—an area most of us can improve on in some way.
Read on for three things you can do this week to improve your focus.