Category: Work


Skilled trades – a great career choice for young people

For years, parents and educators have touted university as the only path to “a good life”. Working in the skilled trades is often viewed as a last resort for students who aren’t smart enough for university or college.

Today, I look at why we need to change that view, and why careers in skilled trades are an excellent choice for students of all academic ability. Plus, some ideas on how parents, educators, governments and employers can attract more young people into the trades.


Is retirement dead? A look at the future of retirement

What is the future of retirement? Despite the popularity of the F.I.R.E. movement, longer lifespans have made it very difficult for most people to save enough to fund a retirement that could last as long as our working lives. Yet, the mere suggestion that retirement as we’ve come to know it will no longer exist is met with a lot of resistance from people of my generation.

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