It’s ReFired Not Retired Day—a day dedicated to changing the way we think about how we’ll live the last third of our lives. Today, I’ll look at why the time may have come to retire retirement, and focus instead on creating a plan to make the most of our best years.
Time management tips to help you get more done today
Did you know today is Single Tasking Day? It’s a day to put multi-tasking aside and focus on getting a single task done. To mark the day, today’s post will look at the productivity cost of that task switching that we’re all guilty of. Then, I’ll provide time management tips to help you get more done, today and every day.
25 easy ways to have fun at work today
Today is National Fun At Work Day in the United States. Is it just me or is it a sad commentary on the modern workplace that we need a special day to give us permission to have fun at work? Today, I look at why fun is an essential part of any workplace. And I’ve got 25 ways you can have fun at work today.
Skilled trades – a great career choice for young people
For years, parents and educators have touted university as the only path to “a good life”. Working in the skilled trades is often viewed as a last resort for students who aren’t smart enough for university or college.
Today, I look at why we need to change that view, and why careers in skilled trades are an excellent choice for students of all academic ability. Plus, some ideas on how parents, educators, governments and employers can attract more young people into the trades.
7 easy tips for a greener home office
Who would have thought even ten years ago that so many of us would be working from home—either on a full-time or hybrid basis? How sustainable is your home office space? Read on for 7 tips for a greener home office.
Acceptable workplace behaviour – then and now
While decluttering my basement, I found a book from 1990 on workplace etiquette. As I thumbed through it, I realized how acceptable workplace behaviour has changed through the years. Some of the passages literally made me laugh out loud. Others made me realize that, although we still have work to do, we have come a long way in terms of gender equity in the workplace.
Is retirement dead? A look at the future of retirement
What is the future of retirement? Despite the popularity of the F.I.R.E. movement, longer lifespans have made it very difficult for most people to save enough to fund a retirement that could last as long as our working lives. Yet, the mere suggestion that retirement as we’ve come to know it will no longer exist is met with a lot of resistance from people of my generation.
The future of work is here! Are you ready?
What does the future of work mean for us? Some of the news headlines are scary. Robots taking over the world. Up to half of existing jobs disappearing. Lifetime employment a thing of the past. Gig work as the norm. It’s enough to keep you up at night!
Today’s post looks at workplace trends. Plus, 5 changes to expect and what they could mean for your future.
Boost your career by getting more involved
In my post Reflections on 30 years in the Group Retirement Business, I shared six tips for success at work and in life. One of those tips was Get involved. Today, I’m taking a closer look at how work-related volunteerism at work can enhance your career. I’ll also address some of the common reasons people give for not getting involved.
Unlock your future with lifelong learning
School’s out! Or is it? As the pace of workplace change continues to accelerate, the ability to learn and adapt will become even more critical. Today, we’ll look at the benefits of lifelong learning, why it’s critical to success in your career and life, and how you can start your learning journey today.