Creative Christmas gifts for people who don’t want stuff

Group of people toasting with wine glasses - Creative gift ideas for people who don't want more stuff
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Creative Christmas gifts for people who don’t want stuff

Ahh…the perfect Christmas gift! Does such a thing even exist? At this time of year, we’re inundated with ads claiming to have the perfect gift for everyone on our list. But what do you do for people on your list who don’t want more stuff? Today’s post has ideas for creative Christmas gifts for minimalists and declutterers.

Originally published in December 2019 as “Creative Christmas gifts…that don’t create waste!”

The quest for the perfect Christmas gift

As the years go by, I find it harder and harder to find suitable gifts for everyone on our list. It’s a blessing that most people we know don’t really need anything, but it presents a challenge when it comes to gift giving.

Since it’s the thought that counts, here are six ideas for creative Christmas gifts to let loved ones know you’re thinking about them without creating unnecessary waste.

Pinterest image: Gift basket with 2 bottles of wine

Agree to a no-gift policy

The most obvious answer is to mutually agree on a no-gift policy. It’s best to have this conversation well in advance of the holidays to avoid any awkwardness.

The key here is, once you’ve agreed to this, stick to it. It’s frustrating when someone you’ve agreed not to buy gifts for shows up with “just a little something”.

Choose experiences over things

Time is something none of us can get more of, so the best gift you can give someone is time together. Instead of a gift, choose an experience you can enjoy together or they can enjoy with friends and family.

Some great ideas are movie or theatre tickets, tickets to see their favourite artist in concert, a day trip to a local attraction, or even a vacation. Those memories will last a lot longer than the latest trendy item or that sweater they’ll never wear.

Check out This Christmas, give experiences not things for experience gift ideas for everyone on your list.

Gift your time

If you have a unique skill or talent like knitting or cooking, consider giving a gift of your time. This is especially helpful for the seniors on your list.

A gift of time could even be something as simple as delivering a homemade meal or baked goodies, helping with snow removal or grass cutting, or exchanging babysitting services.

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Consider charitable giving

If there is a cause that someone is passionate about, make a donation to a charity in their name.

When my girls were younger, I made charitable donations instead of buying teacher gifts.

You can even work a charitable gift into a traditional gift exchange. A few years ago, instead of buying gifts for our family stocking gift exchange, my daughter bought a goat through ME to WE. The goat provided a woman in a developing country with the resources she needs to generate a sustainable income and provide for her family.

Finally, if money is tight, why not volunteer your time at a local food bank or other event during the Christmas season?

Do a recycled gift exchange

If you just can’t resist the fun of opening presents, try a recycled gift exchange. Each participant contributes a gift that they already have at home. You can even turn the exchange into a fun game where people get to steal each other’s gifts.

It’s usually hilarious to see the kinds of things people give. As a bonus, no-one has to spend any money and the giver isn’t offended if the recipient doesn’t like their gift because it was destined for the charity shop or, even worse, the landfill anyway.

Give a gift of consumables

Consumables are some of the best gifts. Think about what your loved one enjoys, and then put together a selection of items. Coffee, tea, chocolate, popcorn, wine, cheese, craft beer—the possibilities are endless!

I would, however, advise caution with gifting personal care items like body lotion, soap, and bubble bath. Most people have preferred brands they use and they may be sensitive to certain ingredients or scents.

The holiday season is much more peaceful when we focus on what matters instead of hitting the malls—or online stores—with a long list of people to buy for. This Christmas, commit to creating memories instead of accumulating stuff.

Do you have any other ideas for creative Christmas gifts to add to this list? Tell us about them below.  

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

5 thoughts on “Creative Christmas gifts for people who don’t want stuff

  1. Awesome ideas, Michelle! I’d like to add something that might be an neat idea as well. Perhaps making a little hand-made card and inside is a note that provides the recipient with a ‘coupon’; good for a visit for a cup of tea and cookies during the winter months. Or an invite to bake together and the gifter’s home. Cher xo

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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