Learn more with these Earth Day activities

Plasticine model of Earth on a green background decorated with pink and red flowers
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Learn more with these Earth Day activities

Happy Earth Day! This year’s theme is Invest in Our Planet. The call to action is for all businesses, governments and citizens to demonstrate courage and accountability, and take action. If you’re looking for Earth Day activities, today’s post is a roundup of ways to learn more about the environmental crisis facing our beautiful planet Earth.

The news on climate change continues to get worse. We are nearing the point of no return. If we don’t act now, we won’t have an Earth to protect.

What will it take to get people to wake up and do what needs to be done? I’m reminded of this quote from last year’s Earth Day post which featured a poem by my friend Pat Keachie.

And what will we leave
To the ones who succeed us
Will they cherish or grieve
For our Planet?
It’s up to us.

“Every Day Is Earth Day”, Pat Bell Keachie
Every Day is Earth Day - Poem by Pat Keachie

It really is up to us. Every single one of us needs to be accountable for the state of our planet. Shifting blame to others will not solve the problem. If the devastating wildfires and extreme weather events of the last few years aren’t enough to convince us, what will it take?

If you’re looking for Earth Day activities, here are some things you can watch, read and do today to learn more.

Things to watch

There are many excellent documentaries out there on environmental issues. Here are three that I’d recommend. You can find them on Netflix.

A Life On Our Planet

Sir David Attenborough has seen a lot of change in his 95 years on Earth. In this eye-opening documentary, he looks at the impacts of human behaviour on our planet and what we can do to reverse the damage we’ve done.

Down to Earth

This series features Zac Effron—of High School Musical fame. It’s an inspiring look at how our actions make a difference. Zac travels the globe exploring unique examples of sustainability and conservation.

Our Planet

David Attenborough is back in an 8-episode series that looks at how climate change is affecting various ecosystems around the globe, and the wildlife those ecosystems support. The series also looks at nature’s incredible ability to regenerate itself when humans leave it to do so. If you love wildlife, you will enjoy this series.  

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Things to read

I started this blog because I care about our planet. Over the last three years, I’ve shared many tips and thoughts about environmental issues that concern me. Here are some of my favourite posts on important issues where we can all adopt simple changes to make a difference:

Pinterest image - Calendar showing April 22 Earth Day

Things to do

Every one of us can make a difference with our actions—no matter how small they seem. Here are some things you can do today.

  • Do the Earth Day quizzes on the Earth Day website and share what you learn with friends and family.
  • Enjoy a plant-based meal.
  • Make your voice heard with businesses and governments who aren’t doing the right thing to end the environmental crisis.
  • Participate in an Earth Day event in your area.  
  • Join a local cleanup project.

Visit EarthDay.org for more ideas on how you can act.

We can’t afford to wait any longer to address our environmental crisis. Our health, our families and our livelihoods depend on us taking immediate action.

What Earth Day activities do you have planned? Tell me your ideas below

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

7 thoughts on “Learn more with these Earth Day activities

  1. Today I get to harvest carrots that I planted on Tu BiShvat, another environmental holiday. I’ve been growing more veggies at home this year thanks to all the compost I was able to make out of food scraps, guinea pig bedding, and SCOBYs from the kombucha I make at home 🙂

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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