Simple Living Sunday – Active living – No gym required!

Journal surrounded by tulips and a cup of tea - "Active Living" written on the page
Simple Living Sunday6 Comments on Simple Living Sunday – Active living – No gym required!

Simple Living Sunday – Active living – No gym required!

Every year, North Americans spend billions on gym memberships and fitness equipment. Despite our best intentions, much of that is money wasted when the initial burst of motivation fades. Today, I continue my May Simple Living Sunday tribute to qualities I admire in my mum, with a look at her simple approach to active living. The best part—no gym membership required!

An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.

Henry David Thoreau

Three simple pleasures and highlights

Continuing my practice of celebrating the simple things in life, here are three simple pleasures and highlights of the last week.

  • Last weekend, we had a wonderful visit with my mum, my two sisters and my brother-in-law. It had been a long time since we were all together.
  • Monday was Colleen’s 19th birthday. Laura came home and we all went out for a fabulous dinner at The Keg. It had been over two years since the four of us enjoyed a family dinner out.
  • On our Friday evening walk, we spotted a family of geese out for a stroll. The little goslings are so adorable.
Adult goose walking in the grass with three small goslings trailing behind

This week’s simple living focus: Active living

For many people, active living means playing sports, or going to the gym or a fitness class. But, keeping fit and healthy can be so much simpler and more affordable.

Pinterest image - Journal with "Active Living" written on it on a table with tulips and a cup of tea

I’ve written before about how much I love to walk. It’s something I definitely inherited from my mum. At 89, she’s healthy and mobile—and she’s never set foot in a gym or played organized sports in her life. How does she do it? Good genes play a role, but I attribute a lot of her good health to the fact that she’s an avid walker.

From a young age, mum went everywhere on foot. Living in rural Ireland with a large family and no car, walking was the only way they got around.

I remember her telling me how far she walked to school when she was a child. When I was younger, I thought it was one of those “We walked miles to school every day—uphill in both directions” stories that many of us heard from our parents. A few years ago, I went to Ireland with mum. We visited the house she grew up in. Then, we drove from her house to see the school she went to, and the church they attended. After we’d been driving for what felt like a long time, I realized she wasn’t kidding when she said she walked miles to school every day.

Mum didn’t learn to drive until she was almost 50. For as long as I can remember, her feet were her primary mode of transportation. Even after learning to drive, she remained an avid walker. I firmly believe her walking habit has kept her young.

Walking is man’s best medicine.

Pinterest image - Quote "Walking is man's best medicine."

Walking is inexpensive, readily available, and something almost everyone can do. Who needs the gym anyway?

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Three things to do this week

If you’re looking to add some movement to your life, here are three things to do this week to kickstart your approach to active living.

Walk outside every day

No matter where in the world you live, this is a great time of year to get outside for a walk. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re still welcoming spring. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, you’re not yet into the dead of winter.

Figure out the best time of day where you can fit a short walk into your schedule and commit to doing it every day, rain or shine.

And you don’t have to go far. Just do what you can. Every step counts! Think about working your way up to the 150 minutes of physical activity recommended by the experts. That’s just 22 minutes a day.

Commit to 10% more steps than last week

A goal of 10,000 steps may be the gold standard, but if you’re a long way from that number you’re not alone. Don’t be discouraged. As the old saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

If you have a fitness tracker, look at your average step count for last week. Then, add 10% to that number and make that your goal for this week.

Here are 10 ideas to get your step count up:

  • Try a walking meeting, or a walking coffee break.
  • Recruit some friends to join you for a walk. Time goes faster when you have someone to talk to.
  • Working from home? Get up and pace when you’re in meetings.
  • Explore a new trail in your area.
  • Skip the drive-thru. Get out of your car and walk inside to pick up your lunch or coffee. (As an added bonus, the environment will benefit from less pollution from idling cars.)
  • Take your kids to the park.
  • Park in the furthest parking spot from the office or store.
  • Get off the bus or subway one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Put on your favourite playlist and dance.

Feeling stressed? Go for a walk!

The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk.

Jacqueline Schiff
Pinterest image - Quote "The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk.”

Walking is an excellent stress reliever. This week, when life’s little (or big) annoyances crop up, try to take a break, grab your comfy shoes and go for a walk. It will help you to clear your head and give you some distance and perspective.

For most of us, there really are no excuses. So, get up off that couch, lace up your walking shoes, and get moving. It’s a simple and inexpensive investment in your future health.

Do you enjoy walking? Do you have other tips to get more steps in your day? Tell me your ideas below.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

6 thoughts on “Simple Living Sunday – Active living – No gym required!

  1. I am a huge proponent of seizing control of your own fitness and not relying on trips to the gym to stay healthy, so anything minimal that doesn’t require memberships is always a plus for me.

    And walking is actually one of the activities responsible for the Okinawans’ long life!

    I’m blessed to have a doggo because walking is pretty much on the menu every day, regardless of how I feel. I wouldn’t be walking as much without her. Love this post!

    1. That was one of (the many) interesting things about the pandemic. When gyms were closed and other activities shut down, many people stopped exercising. Between my YouTube videos and daily walks, I didn’t have to change my routine at all.

      A neighbour suggested that I need a dog, since I already do the walking. Not sure I could convince my husband of that.

      Thanks for dropping by Stuart.

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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