Life is serious—too serious most of the time! This week on Simple Living Sunday, we’re lightening the mood and talking about laughter. My goal for this week is to prove the old saying that laughter is the best medicine. Are you ready to laugh your troubles away?
Trouble knocked at the door, but, hearing laughter, hurried away.
Benjamin Franklin
Three simple pleasures and highlights
Continuing my practice of celebrating the simple things in life, here are three simple pleasures and highlights of the last week.
- As a sure sign of spring, the ducks are back on our local pond.
- I started my seeds indoors and they are sprouting already. I planted three kinds of tomatoes, some bell peppers, and also some marigolds and coleus for my flower pots.
- On Sunday afternoon, we attended a family gathering with my husband’s uncle and his family. It was great to see the cousins and their families.

This week’s simple living focus: Laughter is the best medicine
No matter what your heartache may be, laughing helps you forget it for a few seconds.
Red Skelton

Do you remember those carefree days when you were a kid? Anything and everything made you laugh—and the sillier the better! Psychology Today reports the average four-year-old laughs 300 times a day. That’s a lot of giggles. At the other end of the spectrum, the average 40-year-old laughs only four times a day.
The lack of laughter is a serious concern. You’ve surely heard the old saying “laughter is the best medicine.” Turns out, it’s true—and there’s scientific research to back it up.
The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association confirms that laughter has a multitude of physical and mental health benefits. The physical act of laughter reduces stress hormones, and increases health-enhancing hormones. Among other things, strengthening our immune system through laughter can prevent heart disease, lower blood sugar, and decrease physical pain receptors. In terms of psychological and cognitive benefits, laughter can help us sleep better, reduce anxiety, improve our memory and alertness, and more. As an added bonus, laughter increases creativity.
So with all these benefits, why don’t we laugh more? Maybe it’s because we spend so much of our time at work and laughter at work is associated with goofing off and low productivity. But that’s just not true. In 25 Easy Ways to Have Fun at Work Today, I shared the business value of fun in the workplace. The most successful teams I’ve been a part of had fun and laughed many times every day. Over the years, though, the laughs became fewer and farther between.
Are you ready to bring some laughter back to your life? Let’s go!
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Three things to do this week
This week, we’re really keeping it simple, with no serious reflections or difficult tasks. The goal for this week is laugh as much as possible.
Of all the days, the day on which one has not laughed is the one most surely wasted.
Sebastien Roch

Here are three ideas to get you started.
Watch a funny T.V. show every day
There’s nothing like a comedy show to make you laugh out loud. Set aside half an hour every day to watch a show that makes you laugh. Seinfeld, The Big Bang Theory, Grace and Frankie, Brooklyn 99, and Modern Family are some shows that always make me laugh hysterically.
Hang out with people who make you laugh
Make a point of hanging out with people who make you laugh. If you have kids, spend time playing with them—you’ll be guaranteed to laugh. If you don’t have kids, borrow some from a friend or family member for a few hours. They’ll appreciate the break, and you will reap the health benefits of laughter.
If kids aren’t your thing, invite a funny co-worker to lunch or coffee.
Visit some funny websites
Too much Internet can be bad for our mental health, but there are loads of websites designed just to make you laugh. Here are some to visit this week:
- If you work in an office, you’ll enjoy
- I joke all the time about Walmartians, so had to be on this list.
- For memes, check out or
- Finally, is a great source of funny jokes. You can even sign up for a daily email to get jokes delivered to your inbox.
For more ideas to get you laughing, check out Why You Need to Laugh Today.
What do you do when you need a good laugh? Tell me your thoughts below.
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I love your three simple pleasures from the week, Michelle! What a beautiful reminder of the simple but amazing joys in life. I love your choice of plants too.
I also agree wholeheartedly with you about the absence of laughter and fun now being the ‘norm’ in most workplaces. There is a time to be serious and hyper-focused, no doubt about it. But enjoying a good stress relieving laugh is certainly not going to ruin productivity! It reminds me of how all meetings tend to be either sitting around a table or in front of a computer screen. Yet, science has proven that more gets done during walking meetings (especially outdoors). Creativity and creative solutions to problems skyrockets too!
You’ve got some brilliant ideas for a good laugh too, thank you! I’ll have to take a look at a few of those. 😉
Sending lots of love and best wishes your way. I hope your day is full of laughter and joy! ❤️
Hi Holly, and thanks for dropping by. I miss the days when we used to laugh at work every day. And we can’t blame it on the pandemic and virtual work because much of the fun disappeared before that. I try to do my part to bring some laughter into the workplace, but it feels like an uphill battle some days. Have a wonderful week.
Your advise is fantastic in general, but especially when you add, “There’s nothing like a comedy concert to make you laugh out loud.” Every day, set aside half an hour to watch a comedy show that makes you chuckle. Some of my favorite series are Seinfeld, The Big Bang Theory, Grace and Frankie, Brooklyn 99, and Modern Family. Thank you*
Thanks so much for dropping by. Yes, those comedy shows are good for us!
Ah yes, Dilbert and Seinfeld, two of my favorites for a good belly laugh.
Yes. My daughter and I have been watching Seinfeld on Netflix. It has definitely stood the test of time. LOL
Laughter is the best medicine! Sometimes I hear experts say physical intimacy in a marriage is one of the key factors in a successful marriage, along with communication. But I always want to add that laughter is just as key as well. The feeling I get when my husband and I cry-laugh at something so hard we can barely breathe (usually one of us ends up doubled over wheezing lol) is a feeling of pure joy. And then I feel our connection growing that much stronger (especially if it’s been a tough day/week). Thanks for the reminder 🙂
You’re right about laughter being important in a relationship. If you can find things to laugh about, even during difficult times, the days are so much better.
Thank you, Michelle! Laughter is such a great medicine, isn’t it? I’m incredibly blessed to know what an awesome sense of humor you have! Cher xoxoxo
Thanks Cher. There’s nothing like a good belly laugh to relieve your stress.
So true, Michelle!
That’s so true, Michelle!! If my belly aches because of laughing so hard, I’d say that’s a good day! LOL
I am glad I read this today. I agree with all the arguments you shared about laughter. I notice that when I am always around with serious people and spend days without even watching a comedy my mood and my mental health are bad. A good laugh always make you see things optimistic.
It’s so true. Just the physical act of laughter releases so much tension. Thanks for dropping by Eri.
Having a laugh with my partner and even watching some funny memes and videos on my socials make me laugh. 😅
Thanks Rachel. Yes, those memes that go around on social media are hilarious. My daughter shows them to me all the time, and I have a friend who posts silly things on Facebook all the time. I love it!
Well, I think you know .Michelle that I would like this post since I’ve been writing “Seriously Silly Poetry” everyday this month for the A to Z Challenge and having a blast. It’s pretty great to be able to make myself laugh (and I do), but agree with your other suggestions. Sometimes it takes a little outside nudge to get the laugh going. Thanks for another brilliant post in this series!
Thanks Monty. I knew you’d enjoy this one. Retaining the ability to laugh has seen me through some very difficult times. It’s important to to find humour in every situation.