Tag: Health

The Sunday Spark

The Sunday Spark – There really is no place like home

Ahh! Home sweet home! After several weeks of vacation and work travel, the words “Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home” have been ringing in my head this week. I reflect on the joys of staying home in week 33 of The Sunday Spark.

Also this week: understanding your risk of osteoporosis, cutting your household’s food waste, and a lesson in Swift-onomics.


The shocking truth about microplastics and your health

If you pay attention to the news media, you’ve likely heard about microplastics. But what are they and how do they impact your health?

In today’s post, learn the shocking truth about microplastics—what they are, where they are found, and the risks they pose to your health. More importantly, find out some steps you can take to reduce your exposure.

The Sunday Spark

The Sunday Spark – Surviving the teenage years – I did it!

As we celebrated our daughter’s 20th birthday this week, I reflected on surviving the teenage years. I share those reflections in this week’s The Sunday Spark.

Also this week: oil companies reap record profits, U.K. company makes roads from plastic waste, doctors prescribe park time, and ideas for experience gifts.

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