Highlights of my third year of blogging

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Highlights of my third year of blogging

Tomorrow is my third blogiversary. It’s hard to believe it has been three years since I published my first blog post. In today’s post, I look back at the highlights of my third year of blogging. Plus, I share my most popular posts of the year, and the ones I’m most proud of.

Overview of my third year of blogging

When I nervously pressed the publish button on that first post in July 2019, I had no idea if anyone would read it. I certainly didn’t imagine I’d still be blogging three years later. And I definitely couldn’t have foreseen the global pandemic that was looming. This little blog, and the blogging community that supports it, gave me something positive to focus on during a time when it felt like the world was spinning out of control.

I’ve been happy to see steady growth on the blog. From humble beginnings of around 400 monthly views in year one, my views grew to 1,600 a month in year two, and to just over 3,000 monthly views in year three. Thank you, readers!

What’s most interesting to me is where the traffic comes from. Pinterest is now my number one source of blog traffic, followed by WordPress and then search engines.

Highlights of the year

My third year of blogging has been a busy one. Let’s look at the highlights.

In the second half of 2021, I wrapped up my 52-Week Decluttering Challenge. My weekly blog posts kept me on track and focused on getting the job done.

At the beginning of 2022, I launched a new weekly feature—Simple Living Sunday. In these posts, I share three personal highlights from the past week. Then, I reflect on a them I’ve chosen to focus on in the upcoming week.

Outside of my Sunday posts, I continued the Clutter Tales series and my monthly roundups of favourite posts from the blogging community. I also shared ideas for decluttering and simplifying life and, of course, tips for green and sustainable living.

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My most popular posts overall

It’s always interesting to see which posts get the most views. Thanks to Pinterest, eight of my ten most popular posts are from years one and two.

Here are my 10 posts with the most views from July 2021 to the end of June 2022:

  1. The complete list of 123 stocking stuffers for adults
  2. Easy 4-ingredient DIY toilet cleaner…that works
  3. 52-Week Decluttering Challenge – Free printable
  4. Every Child Matters – A Canada Day Reflection for 2021
  5. Every day is Earth Day – Green living tips to inspire you
  6. Life lessons we can learn from ducks
  7. Decluttering challenge 1 – Under the kitchen sink – Free printable
  8. Extreme minimalism – Why it’s not for me
  9. Improve your health by eating more garlic
  10. Retire retirement! Plan your best years now!

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Posts I’m most proud of

In total, I published 169 blog posts in my third year of blogging. Here are the posts I wrote in the past year that I’m most proud of. They didn’t get the most views, but I’m proud of them because they had an important message I wanted to share with the world.

What’s next for Boomer Eco Crusader?

Reaching another blogiversary is an opportunity to think about what lies ahead. I recently renewed my hosting contract for three more years, so I guess that means I’ll be sticking around.

At times over the last few months, it has been tough to keep up with three posts a week. We’ll see how it goes in year four. If need to reduce my blogging frequency, I promise you’ll continue to see at least one or two posts a week.

Thanks again for reading. I am so grateful to everyone who reads my posts. Every view, every like, every comment and every share means the world to me. As long as you keep reading, I’ll keep writing!

As I look ahead to year four and 2023, I’d love to know what type of posts you’d like to see more of on Boomer Eco Crusader. Please tell me your thoughts below.

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Hi there! I’m Michelle and I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. I am married with two young adult daughters. I’m a big fan of reducing waste, using less plastic, decluttering and simplifying life as much as possible.

23 thoughts on “Highlights of my third year of blogging

  1. Happy blogiversary! And 3,000 hits a month is no small feat. I’ve always found it interesting how much traffic Pinterest can bring, and I keep telling myself to go learn the platform, but I still haven’t gotten off my butt to do that. Anyway, here’s to many more years to come, and I’ll definitely check out your top 10 articles, so thanks for listing them!

    1. Thanks Stuart. The neat thing about Pinterest is it keeps traffic coming to my older posts, whereas Twitter and Facebook are more present-focused so it creates a nice balance. I ditched Instagram earlier this year because it did nothing for me. Twitter might be next.

  2. Congratulations, Michelle! Your blog is so packed with incredible stories, insights, and a lot of learning! I would love to see blog posts about how to stay organized in smaller spaces. Whether it is in the kitchen or the living room, etc. I’d love to learn more! Thanks for being YOU my dear! Cher xoxoxo

  3. It is so fun for me to read this blogging highlights post and get a closer look at how your journey has evolved and grown! Love that you roundup your most popular posts alongside the posts you loved writing the most. 🙂

  4. Michelle, congrats on your major accomplishment! I still can’t believe you write 3 posts a week and have been at it for 3 years! I can see and appreciate all the genuine effort you put into every post you publish- it’s a great motivator for me to keep going and pushing forward (even though sometimes I might feel stuck or unmotivated)!

    I’ve always loved your voice in my comments section when you recount past conflicts, adventures, lessons you learned, etc. Those are the types of posts I most gravitate towards (writing and reading) in general! Thank you for all your contributions to the blogging community- you’re an inspiration! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much Jen, and thanks for your awesome support of my blog. I have moments when I don’t feel motivated but something usually comes to me. 😀

  5. Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah! If you need to pace yourself for the long haul, please feel free to slow down the frequency of your posts. I regularly find inspiration and comfort from them (and you even featured one of my songs in one of them!) Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to raise our awareness about hugely important habits/patterns in our lives which we would be wise to change…

I'd love to hear your ideas. Drop me a comment below.

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