Category: Life Hacks

Life. We’ve only got one so let’s make the most of it. Here you’ll find life hacks and tips about healthy living, work, money and just everyday life.


7 ways to sneak cancer-fighting turmeric into your diet

Today, I continue my Breast Cancer Awareness Month series with a look at another food with cancer-fighting properties – turmeric. Just a daily teaspoon of this golden spice could reduce your risk of cancer.

If you love Indian food, you’re probably already getting your daily dose of turmeric. If not, read on to learn about turmeric, how it fights cancer, and 7 easy ways you can sneak this fragrant spice into your diet.


What you need to know about exercise and cancer

Exercise. We know it’s good for us. But less than half of North Americans get the recommended amount of physical activity. As I continue my Breast Cancer Awareness Month series, today I’m exploring the link between exercise and cancer.

Exercise reduces the risk of many cancers. It can also improve recovery by helping cancer patients tolerate treatments. And, it can significantly lower the risk of cancer recurrence. Let’s take a closer look.


Is retirement dead? A look at the future of retirement

What is the future of retirement? Despite the popularity of the F.I.R.E. movement, longer lifespans have made it very difficult for most people to save enough to fund a retirement that could last as long as our working lives. Yet, the mere suggestion that retirement as we’ve come to know it will no longer exist is met with a lot of resistance from people of my generation.

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